Alpha interactive is a software product development company started in early 2000 to help the computer users across the globe. Keep in mind that all across the globe users are now using more of flash videos and files to present their views with more multimedia packed features Alpha Interactive team has developed SWF Player. SWF Player is a smart and simple flash file player to play SWF extension files. SWF Player has all those standard function needed to play a flash media file. SWF Player has functions like Stop, Rewind, Play, Pause, Forward, End, Load, and Loop. SWF Player also supports right click menu as default. Apart from basic features SWF Player also enables users to go to any frame via simple scroll bar feature. SWF Player has very good zoom capability to view small fonts and images with more clarity. SWF Player can also rotate the SWF movies and can also move the files. SWF Player also has few options to change the background color of the movie played with it. SWF Player also support full screen play for movies played within. SWF Player has wonderful shortcut key for regular users where they can have access to all common function direct from keyboard. SWF Player might create some problem while playing movies which access external data.
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